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  • Return Type: int

  • Description: Retrieves the ID of the current theme.

  • Example:

    int themeID = Playback.Theme.GetThemeID();


  • Return Type: bool

  • Description: Checks if a theme is currently loaded.

  • Example:

    bool loaded = Playback.Theme.IsLoaded();


  • Return Type: void

  • Description: Begins the playback of the current theme. If a track is already loaded in the playlist, it copies the pre-roll settings to the theme before starting.

  • Example:



  • Return Type: void

  • Description: Resets the current theme track.

  • Example:



  • Return Type: void

  • Description: Stops the playback of the current theme.

  • Example:



  • Return Type: int

  • Description: Retrieves the current state of the theme playback.

  • Example:

    int currentState = Playback.Theme.State();


  • Return Type: Dictionary<string, (float, string)>

  • Parameters: bool istheme = true, Engine engine = null

  • Description: Retrieves a list of control names associated with the theme or track, depending on the value of istheme.

  • Example:

    var (controlName, (controlValue, controlType)) = Playback.Theme.GetControls();


  • Return Type: List<string>

  • Parameters: bool istheme = true, Engine engine = null

  • Description: Retrieves a list of trigger names associated with the theme or track. Triggers are recognized by starting with the prefix "t_".

  • Example:

    List<string> triggers = Playback.Theme.GetTriggers();


  • Return Type: float

  • Description: Gets the current beat value of the theme.

  • Example:

    float beat = Playback.Theme.CurrentBeat();


  • Return Type: float

  • Description: Retrieves the tempo (in BPM) of the current theme.

  • Example:

    float bpm = Playback.Theme.TempoBpm();


  • Return Type: void

  • Parameters: string controlName, float value = 1f, bool istheme = true

  • Description: Sets the value of a specified control for the theme. This is the most important method as the control macros can be set up to fully control all of the music.

  • Example:

    Playback.Theme.SetControl("MyControl", 0.8f);


  • Return Type: double

  • Parameters: string controlName, bool istheme = true

  • Description: Retrieves the value of a specified control for the theme or track.

  • Example:

    double controlValue = Playback.Theme.GetControl("MyControl");


  • Return Type: int

  • Description: Retrieves the number of parts in theme.

  • Example:

    int numOfParts = Playback.Theme.GetNumParts();


  • Return Type: int

  • Description: Retrieves the current part in theme.

  • Example:

    int part = Playback.Theme.GetCurrentPart();


  • Return Type: string

  • Parameters: int part

  • Description: Retrieves the name of the part with the correlated id.

  • Example:

    string partName = Playback.Theme.GetPartName(0);


  • Return Type: float

  • Parameters: int part

  • Description: Retrieves the offset of the part with the correlated id.

  • Example:

    float offset = Playback.Theme.GetPartOffset(0);


  • Return Type: float

  • Parameters: int part

  • Description: Retrieves the duration of the part with the correlated id.

  • Example:

    float duration = Playback.Theme.GetPartDuration();


  • Return Type: int

  • Description: Retrieves the numbers of bars in the loaded theme.

  • Example:

    int numBars = Playback.Theme.GetNumBars();


  • Return Type: int

  • Description: Retrieves the current bars in the loaded theme.

  • Example:

    int currentBar = Playback.Theme.GetCurrentBar();


  • Return Type: float

  • Parameters: int bar

  • Description: Retrieves the offset of the bar with the id of variable 'bar' in the loaded theme.

  • Example:

    int currentBar = Playback.Theme.GetCurrentBar();
    float offset = Playback.Theme.GetBarOffset(currentBar);


  • Return Type: float

  • Parameters: int bar

  • Description: Retrieves the duration of the bar with the id of variable 'bar' in the loaded theme.

  • Example:

    int currentBar = Playback.Theme.GetCurrentBar();
    float duration = Playback.Theme.GetBarDuration(currentBar);


  • Return Type: void

  • Overloads:

    TriggerStinger(string stingerName, MusicSystem.Quant quant = MusicSystem.Quant.Half)
    TriggerStinger(string stingerName, float value)
  • Description:

  • Example:

    Playback.Theme.TriggerStinger("neutral, medium");


  • Return Type: void

  • Parameters: int instrument, float pulseRate, float pitch, float velocity, bool active, int legato

  • Description: Directly overrides and controls an instrument of the Interactive Theme. Can be used to give players direct influence over the soundtrack. PulseRate is how often a note trigger happens (1/1 at 0, 128th at 1). Pitch is a relative pitch position in the instruments defined range. Velocity is loudness/energy, Active sets the override to active or not. Legato defines if movement is needed to trigger new note.

  • Example:

    Playback.Theme.InstrumentOverride(0, 0.5f, 0.6f, 1f, true, 1);


  • Return Type: List<string>

  • Description: Returns all overridable instrument from the loaded theme.

  • Example:

    var instruments = Playback.Theme.GetOverridableInstruments();



  • Type: float

  • Description: Get or set the volume (gain) for the theme.

  • Example:

    Playback.Theme.Volume = 0.5f;

    float volume = Playback.Theme.Volume;